Impact modifier MBS resin(Tansparent product) 1. Description: MBS resin consists methyl methacrylate(M), butadiene(B), styrene(S)Mainly used in the process of PVC ,can improve the impact strength
impact modifier MBS resin MainUsage: TheproductismainlyusedinhardPVCpellicle,sheeting,granule,indoortubing,tubefitting, canimprovetheimpactstrength. PhysicochemicalProperties:
impact modifier ACR resin 1.Goodweatherresistance 2.GoodImpactresistance 3.GoodProcessingproperty, 4.LowHeatshrinkagerate,highsurfacesmoothness 5.Suitbaleforhighspeedextrusion
PVC impact modifier 1.Goodweatherresistance 2.GoodImpactresistance 3.GoodProcessingproperty, 4.LowHeatshrinkagerate,highsurfacesmoothness 5.Suitbaleforhighspeedextrusion
PVC Foam Modifier ACR DL Series Resin(530) The physicochemical properties This product is white flow powder,Bulk density is 0.20-0.50/cm3,. Insoluble in waterethanol. Soluble in methenyl chlor
Disinfectant for Drinking Water(CHLORINE DIOXIDE) DETAILED INFORMATION: [TheNameofTheProduct]:DisinfectantforDrinkingWater(powder)[MainIngredientandContent]:ChlorineDioxide10±1%(W/W)[ShelfLife
swimmig pool bactericide chemical Shandong Zhaoguan Medicine Industrg Co.,Ltdwas established in 1992, Location in Weifang City which nearest Qingdao port. Cover an area of 150 acres.W
hospital disinfectant Disinfectant for Medicine hygiene and Public environment [Main Ingredient] :Compound Stable Chlorine Dioxide(ClO2),8%-10%(w/w) [Executi
Waste Water Tratment (Chlorine) ZHAOGUAN BARAND DISINFECTANT [ApproachofUsage]: MadeuptheMotherLiquor:put1000gchlorinedioxidepowderinto100kgwater(notice:forbiddentoputthewaterintoth
Decolorant for oil Instructions on Zhaoguan Brand Disinfectant decolouring agent for oil Zhaoguan Brand decolouring agent,in accordance with international latest develo
swimmig pool disinfectant Shandong Zhaoguan Medicine Industrg Co.,Ltdwas established in 1992, Location in Weifang City which nearest Qingdao port. Cover an area of 150 acres.W
chlorine dioxide disinfectant for water treatment Disinfectant for drinking water (powder) [Main Ingredient and Content]Chlorine Dioxide 10±1% (W/W) [Executive Standard]Q/L YVH002 [Instruction
water treatment chemical The Name of the ProductDisinfectant For Aquaculture Industry Main Ingredient and Content chlorine dioxide 10±1%w/w Physical ConditionThis prod